Where To Buy
There are many ways to order fresh produce from us! The easiest way is to give us a call +1 (306) 540-7771 or stop by our greenhouse located at Regina Beach. We are also in local stores! Take a look below.
Where To Buy
What we do
Ferme is a social enterprise. We are an organic market garden and community hub situated just outside of Winkleigh, North Devon. We grow fantastic vegetables, salads, herbs & fruits, using only hand tools. Our aim is to grow produce that benefits us, our wildlife the soil and our community.
Our food is for our community. All our produce is eaten within a 30 mile radius of the farm. We invite our community to be a part of the farm, joining us for events and volunteering at the farm. Keep an eye on our events page for this year’s happenings.
Our Philosophy
We believe that organic farming is a positive philosophy, and is more than just avoiding the use of artificial chemicals and fertilisers. It is a sustainable approach to farming which views the farm as a whole system in harmony with the natural surroundings and nature itself as well as the local community.
Fermr is part of a Higher Level Environmental Stewardship scheme which includes restoring wild flower meadows and other traditional grasslands, as well as hedgerow and field margin management. Since 1982, we have planted over 1,800 tress and restored two miles of hedgerow.

Our Animals
The farm is home to a magnificent herd of rare breed Longhorn cattle, pedigree Lleyn and Polled Dorset sheep, turkeys, chickens, geese and ducks, two goats, three guinea pigs, two rabbits and various other friendly animals! All of our animals have a 100% organic diet and are free range, happy and healthy – no chemicals, no cages and no suffering.